Thursday, April 21, 2011

E.P.A. and F.D.A. could care less about You, your Health, or the Environment!

In the latest example of blatant Federal negligence (cover-up), the valiant and ever vigilant pig fuckers FDA and EPA have determined they will not be testing ANY fish from the Gulf Of Alaska. This is another egregious (not that they give a rat's ass) abandonment of their obligation to watch over the public health and welfare. In this case, the Feds have chosen to protect the Alaskan fishing industry...the public's right to know and to be kept safe and informed be damned.

The Feds are already protecting the Dairy and Beef and Big Ag industries, so why not the Alaska fisheries, too. A simple look at the facts tells the twisted tale of exactly why the Feds SHOULD be monitoring ALL Pacific caught seafood.

First off, the Kuroshio Current (also named the Black Current) flowing northbound just off the East Coast of Japan meets up with the Oyashio Current, flowing southbound next to Japan's east coast. The two then run off together and head due EAST and become the North Pacific Current. The venerable North Pacific, jaunts straight across the Pacific and then SPLITS...with half going directly north into the Gulf of Alaska where it swirls and swirls in a sweeping counter-clockwise vortex. The southern portion of the split heads straight for the West Coast where it becomes the California Current as it flows south and down the West Coast into Baja California before eventually fading into the North Equatorial Current and a return trip back to Asia.

Daniel Hirsch, a renowned expert on nuclear policy often quoted by major media outlets, spoke at the Stevenson College Event Center on the tragedy at the Fukushima plant and how the U.S. can prevent a similar meltdown at its 104 nuclear reactors, including the two in California. …Hirsch warned that a decades-old study estimated that a meltdown at the Southern California nuclear plant in Onofre could release enough radiation to immediately kill 130,000 people, cause cancer to 300,000 and genetic defects in 600,000 more.

“Every amount of radiation exposure increases your risk of cancer,” he said. “There is no safe level of radiation.”

Don Curry, 72, works for the Desert Research Institute’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program [recording data and collecting air filters], …Scientists from the Desert Research Institute, an arm of the University of Nevada Las Vegas, analyze the filters and data…The Department of Energy funds the program, but Curry can vouch for the numerical data because he collects it himself. Unlike the monitoring at EPA, which is conducted by government scientists; at UC Berkeley, which is conducted by academic scientists; or at, which is conducted by private geiger counter owners, CEMP pairs citizens and scientists. The aim is to increase community confidence, to preempt doubt.

The program is rooted in mistrust of government, Curry explained to me, because it’s modeled on a community-based program that emerged at Three Mile Island after the accident there in 1979. And it serves an area in Nevada and Utah that was exposed to fallout from about 100 above-ground nuclear weapons tests.…

“The government doesn’t care if you’re going to have a few extra cases of cancer,” Curry said. “It’s like they’re saying, ‘We’re going to take that hill—we’re going to have 50 percent casualties, but get your butt up that hill.’” …

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